NOVA CRU is able to provide support of clinical research in any Health Care Unit.
Study Submission
- Master file preparation
- Collection of documentation from teams
- Monitoring the process until the approval
Start-up Phase
- Organization of documents under the scope of GCP
- Network connection with other services
- CRFs review and validation
- File maintenance
Medical Visits
- Patient Monitoring
- Coordination with other services involved
- Help patients with self-completion questionnaires
- Fill CRF with clinical teams
- Visits preparation
- Queries resolution
- Linking with monitors
- Patient identification
- Collaboration in recruitment procedures
- Expedite study closure with Promoters
- Ensuring closure of CRF
- Notifications closing
Speed circuits:
- Payments to the Teams
- Reimbursements to patients
- Quality system
- Standard Operation Procedures
- Harmonization of teams procedures